Power Options: Balanced, Power Saver, or High Performance ?

Power Options: Balanced, Power Saver, or High Performance ?


What’s the Difference?

Each of these power plans is actually just a different group of settings. Rather than tweak settings one-by-one, though, these “plans” are designed to provide an easy way to switch between common groups of settings. For example:

    • Balanced: Balanced automatically increases your CPU’s speed when your computer needs it, and reduces it when it isn’t necessary. This is the default setting, and it should be fine most of the time.

    • Power Saver: Power Saver attempts to save power by reducing the CPU’s speed all the time and lowering screen brightness, among other similar settings.

    • High Performance: High Performance mode doesn’t lower your CPU’s speed when it isn’t being used, running it at higher speeds most of the time. It also increases screen brightness. Other components, such as your Wi-Fi or disk drive, may also not go into power-saving modes.

But you don’t need to rely on any summaries of how the power plans work. You can see exactly what they do here. In the Power Options window, click “Change plan settings” next to a plan–like the Balanced plan, for example–and then select “Change advanced power settings.” The drop-down box at the top of this window lets you switch between power plans, so you can see exactly which settings are different between plans.

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