Master Control (GodMode)

Master Control (GodMode)

Easy Configuration Maintenance


Windows 10, just like Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, provides a hidden control panel that pulls many of the various configuration settings to one place.

It looks like the image below (notice the scroll bar...the options keep going).

(click on the image for a larger version)

This control panel does not exist by default. You have to set it up. Fortunately, that's easy to do.

The first step is to create a new folder on the Windows Desktop.

The easiest way to create it is shown in the image below. First, right-click on a blank spot on the Windows Desktop.

Then, click on New. On the fly-out submenu, click on Folder.

That will give you the folder icon on the Desktop. The folder's Name setting will be selected for editing, with the default name of New Folder showing.

At this step of the creation process, name the folder (or rename it afterwards, if you like), by pasting the following into the Folder name field:

Master Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Reminder, this is not a Shortcut — it's a Folder. If you try to create a Shortcut with this code, it won't work.

In the final image, you see two identical icons. In one, I pasted the code with a preface of Master Control. In the other, the preface was GodMode, which is the more common term.

I prefer Master Control.