Running Hiren’s BootCD from hard drive

Running Hiren’s BootCD from hard drive

WinXP Only

Running Hiren’s BootCD from hard drive has become much simpler in its recent releases (at least version 10.0 and above). Please use the following method instead to boot it from your hard drive:

    1. make sure the partition is FAT32 not NTFS (let’s assume its C: from this point on)

    2. in the HBCD directory of the ISO image, find the two files menu.lst and grldr, and copy them to C:

    3. copy the entire directory HBCD to C:

    4. download grub4dos, extract grub.exe to C:

    5. modify boot.ini file for XP, and add C:GRLDR=”Hiren” to it

Now reboot the system and choose Hiren in the menu. You are good to go.

As a side note, Hiren should include the NTFS support into boot.gz image. If you feel adventurous, you can try to do it yourself, thus enabling booting Hiren from a NTFS partition.

The following is the old method, and only use it for the old version of Hiren BootCD.

Hiren’s BootCD is easily rankings itself among the best boot cds and system maintenance tools. I have configured it to run both from my USB stick or directly from hard disk. Here is how to boot Hiren’s BootCD from the hard disk using grub for dos (grub4dos).

      1. The first step is getting grub4dos and release the GRLDR, grub.exe and MENU.lst to the root directory of C:

      2. Open the ISO file of Hiren’s BootCD using Daemon Tools or Winimage and extract the directory HBCD to the root directory of C:

      3. Edit MENU.lst and put the following code into it:

timeout 30 default 0 title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot

      1. Edit the boot.ini file under C: and put the following line into it. This will make Windows load grub4dos, and then grub4dos will load Hiren’s boot file to boot it.


      1. You can also boot the mini WinXP in the HBCD directory by adding the following code into the MENU.lst file.

title Mini Windows Xp find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN

After the modifications, reboot the system to use your Hiren’s BootCD from the hard disk. Becaues the boot.gz under HBCD does does not come with ntfs drivers, this method only works when C: is in FAT32 format.

Easy way found using hiren boot 15.1

1-Format hdd to fat 32

2-copy paste all content from cd (what ever you are booting from) to the formated hard drive

3-open up DLC Menu

4-Click Programs

5-Click Disk Tools

6-Click Grub4Dos Setup

7-Under Device Name Find Your Hard Drive

8-Click Install

exit out and and restart your system will boot Hiren boot 15.1 off your hard drive