
Un ejemplo de la "capacidad" de ChatGPT para que tengan la iniciativa de interactuar con dicho 'algorithmo':

ChatGTP example:

how can you best explain 

the difference between an ideal fluid and a real fluid?

An ideal fluid is a theoretical concept in fluid mechanics that assumes the fluid is inviscid (has zero viscosity) and incompressible. It also assumes that the fluid is flowing in a steady, laminar manner without any turbulence or other disturbances. Ideal fluids are often used as a simplifying assumption in fluid mechanics calculations because they are easier to model mathematically.

On the other hand, a real fluid is a fluid that exists in the physical world and has properties such as viscosity and compressibility that affect its behavior. Real fluids may also exhibit turbulence, which can make their behavior more complex and difficult to predict.

Viscosity is the property of a fluid that resists its internal deformation or flow. In real fluids, viscosity causes friction between layers of fluid, which can result in energy losses and changes in the fluid's velocity profile. In contrast, an ideal fluid has no viscosity, so it can flow without any resistance.

Compressibility is another property of real fluids that can affect their behavior. Real fluids are compressible to some extent, meaning that their volume can change in response to changes in pressure. This can cause changes in the fluid's density and other properties. Ideal fluids, on the other hand, are assumed to be incompressible, meaning that their density remains constant regardless of changes in pressure.

In summary, the main difference between an ideal fluid and a real fluid is that ideal fluids are theoretical constructs that assume no viscosity, no compressibility, and no turbulence, whereas real fluids have viscosity, compressibility, and can exhibit turbulence.