Coloquio del 26/11/2020

Neutrinos and medical imaging: the odd couple

Paola Ferrario

Donostia International Physics Center

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Fecha y hora:

Jueves 26/11/2020, 12:30 p.m. (GMT-5)

What do an underground laboratory hidden under a mountain and a last generation scanner for body imaging have in common? In my talk I will tell how the study of the neutrinos, the most elusive particles of all, has led to the development of a new technology for PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanners. I will describe the common denominator of this odd couple, xenon (the name itself comes from the Greek word for "stranger") and how the international collaborations NEXT and PETALO are working together in this double mission of understanding the origin of the Universe and taking care of one of its inhabitants, so small and yet so amazing, the human being. (Click aquí para ver el afiche.)

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