Coloquio del 02/07/2020

Rise in freeform optics: success stories and challenges

Jannick Rolland

University of Rochester

Transmisión en vivo vía YouTube Live:

Fecha y hora:

Jueves 02/07/2020, 2:00 p.m.

Freeform optics has set a new path for optical system design across a wide range of applications spanning from microscopy to space optics, including the billion-dollar consumer market of near-eye displays for augmented reality that set us on this technology path in the first place. Today, freeform optics have been demonstrated to yield compact, achromatic, and high performance imaging systems that are poised to enable the science of tomorrow. In this talk we will briefly introduce freeform optics and highlight emerging design methods. We will then present success stories in digital viewfinder, imager and spectrometer designs that we anticipate will ignite discussion and stimulate cooperation towards accelerating gain in enabling knowledge in freeform optics. (Click aquí para ver el afiche.)

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