Unicorn I’m definitely old school because I believe in respect shirt

It was a typical work lunchroom, with a few tables all pushed together in the middle surrounded by chairs, a refrigerator for people to keep their food in, and a vending machine or two. Nothing remarkable about it. The new employee didn’t seem to be aware of this though or she must have been in a great hurry to get to the other end of the hallway. She went in and tried to squeeze past a casket that was sitting there, waiting for its turn on the elevator. When that didn’t work, they had the sous chef offer him some frozen cheesecakes that were supposedly approaching their expiration date. With me being a security professional, I’ve always been taught to have something approved on paper when you’re taking company property off-site. Unfortunately, my friend failed to do that. Once he left for the day, the sous chef promptly called the head chef and reported that “Mike walked off with three cheesecakes” When questioned, three other kitchen staff corroborated her story. She came to me many times and asked me if I was going to finish up something that I was trying to save for later. Because I had too much food to eat at one time. It was normally crackers that I saved. I ate a hot meal there.