Stevie Nicks stand back shirt

Wearing a baseball cap may be a good idea, especially if it's raining. It may also help in that it tends to keep the sun off your head. However, I suggest you also wear a sweat band to absorb perspiration from you forehead. Otherwise, the cap is going to be badly sweat-stained by the time you reach the finish line. One other thought comes to mind. Ask a friend to go to the Marathon with you, and meet you along the way with water, gatorade, etc. That way, you KNOW when you will be getting water, and nothing will be left to chance. Actually, sweating is a good thing when you are running long. It's the body's way of keeping cool, as evaporation is really a cooling process. The more you sweat, the better, especially on a hot day. When you wake up in the morning, your body is just coming out of a light hibernation. While you sleep all your organs slow down their processes. It takes about four hours for your body to completely come out of this hibernation state and get back to full function. Because of this your body will be: 1) slower to break down glucose and glycogen.