Official Before you hug me don’t sarcastic shirt

I didn’t take anything – not even the computer that was technically mine but purchased for me by the company. He went ape shit crazy and started calling suppliers, customers, etc and telling them I’d ripped him off. I had set up the company’s PayPal account. He called them and reported a theft and that somehow locked up my account, the accounts of my friends and family, the accounts of customers, etc. I had something like $10k frozen and just disappeared from my account. I never got it back. It was a huge mess. Decades later, I still can’t use PayPal. I was speechless after that. I knew she didn’t think any girl was good enough for her son, but the way she said it made it very clear she disliked me intensely and wanted us to break up. He didn’t hear this particular comment but other comments she made about me that he did hear, he mostly let pass. He almost never tried to defend me when she was out of line.