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I walked on and off until I was around 8 years old. I remember my highest point I consider in my life when I was able to scale a flight of 3 stairs without the use of the handrail. I was so proud of myself as were my parents. But other days, I would be begging and pleading with my mother to use my wheelchair as the pain was simply unbearable. I still remember the pain and never won’t; my knees felt as though they were on fire. My knees became locked when I walked, and attempting at unlocking them let loose a pain of such great magnitude, I would sweat all over my body, freeze in shock, and scream out in front of all my family and friends in agony. My hamstrings were ripping at the bone at each step I took. I understood my mother’s wishes; she wanted that I continue walking and lead a prosperous life. I shared the same hopes as her. However, I found that the pain took over. It consumed my grit. It’s hard to when I last walked and permanently put myself in a wheelchair, but I did make that conscious decision by 8 years old.