Chicken America Flag 4th of July shirt

What are you going to use it for, when, how, and why? Go to office hours and ask your teacher these questions if it isn't clear. If they don't have answers find someone who does. Stuffing your head full of facts and figures and even techniques is wasting space in your brain. If you're never going to use them and have no idea why you'll ever need them, it's just more noise in an already noisy world. I'm sorry no-one ever told you. I'm sorry the education system is so messed up that we can't even take 5 minutes to explain to kids why they need to learn something. Take history for example. It's pretty well known that the brain isn't capable of setting the context for understanding history until age 15 or so. And when do we start teaching history? Age 10? Earlier? Why do we even need to study history at all? We study history so we can see how patterns repeat. We study history so we can understand how things that happened long ago brought us to where we are today. If you know this while you are studying, you ask good questions, and the answers have context that brings understanding. Otherwise it's just a bunch of names of people long dead and dates too long ago to even comprehend. Pointless.