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This should come as no surprise. Now, they (for that, read Meghan) must be hustling for work, concerned about their future. Apparently, they are bothered by drones; their presence is upsetting the neighbors; rumors that Tyler wants them out – but they’ve nowhere else to go; huge costs for security, and no money coming in at all. Since she was not hurt and the VW was just stuck in the mud; so, I offered to run her to class since the college was on my way to work. This was before cell phones so, I promised her I’d call her father for her and let him know where to get her car too. The dog-blanket kept in my car worked great to stop her shoes from muddying the passenger floorboard. She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud.