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Your mutual friends like you too in other ways, so keep them focused on the fun you can have together and steer them away from the topic of “him”. They will quickly realize this discussion is off the table and lose interest. A couple of times I have been in restaurants or in line at stores and people are having loud cellphone conversations. Two of those were describing sex, one from the night before and the next, a man what he was going to do to his lady the next time! Really bad language. I was prescribed a neuroleptic by a neurologist. After a couple of weeks, I was increasingly confused, weak, and exhausted. I went to the follow-up, said all that. I already knew that the med sometimes caused sodium imbalance, with those exact signs – and was obviously concerned, that’s a thing to watch for. First, he built his property up with a lot of dirt, nearly two feet higher than our property, so every time it rained out yard flooded. I went to the township to complain and he was supposed to have allowed for drainage but didn’t. The township guy told him he had to build a wall so he put ugly old railroad ties there.