Spanish America


The Spanish language is spoken by over 400 million people in the continent of America, and arguably beats the success of English in the scale of adoption throughout Spanish America and the rest of the world.

El idioma español es hablado por más de 400 millones de personas en el continente de América, y podría decirse que vence el éxito del Inglés en la escala de adopción en toda América Española y el resto del mundo.

Christopher Columbus and the early Spanish explorers did not realise what they were starting back in the 1500s when they discovered the `New World`. The influence of Spanish culture has been breathtaking and we hope to give some interesting insight into the wonderful diversity of cultures within the countries of Spanish America. We are going to invite some of our Spanish American friends in the UK and elsewhere to add a contribution to this website. Ultimately this should provide a modern, authentic collection of personal accounts of this wonderful continent.

Cristobal Colón y los primeros exploradores españoles no se dieron cuenta lo que estaban empezando en el siglo XVI, cuando descubrieron el 'nuevo mundo'. La influencia de la cultura española ha sido impresionante y esperamos dar información interesante sobre la maravillosa diversidad de culturas dentro de los países de la América española. Vamos a invitar a algunos de nuestros amigos hispanoamericanas en el Reino Unido y otros lugares para agregar una contribución a este sitio Web. En última instancia, esto debería proporcionar una colección moderna y auténtica de cuentas personales de este maravilloso continente.




The United States of Mexico or Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world with a population of over 100 million. It is also one of the most powerful economic nations in the Americas with a booming tourist industry.

Mexico City

Mexico Places



Mexican posadas

Food of Mexico


Colombia has a Spanish speaking population of 45 million, the largest in South America. It is bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by Panama and the Caribbean; and to the west by the Pacific. It is the only country in South America to touch both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

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The largest economy in the world with nearly 25% of the world's GDP and third highest population. English is the main language but Spanish is spoken by 14% of the 300 million population and is the second most widely taught foreign language.

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California - the Golden state.

Texas - the Lone Star state

Top American resorts

Top American sports stars

The second largest country in South America by land area and 4th largest spanish speaking country in the world with population of 40 million. Argentina is now a powerful economic force and member of the G-20 countries.

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Buenos Aires

Iguazu Falls

Interesting facts

Mate drink

Grupo Puja



A multiethnic population of 29 million Amerindians,Europeans,Africans and Asians speak mainly Spanish, but also Quechua or other native languages.This mixture of cultural traditions has resulted in a wide diversity in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music. Peru was part of the Inca Empire before Spanish colonisation.

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Machu Picchu


Pescando con caballos

On the northern coastline of the continent, Venezuela occupies a strategic position. Its 28 million population live mainly in the cities in the north. However the great variety of landscapes and its position in the Tropics produces a large biodiversity. In economic matters the nation is best known for its all important oil industry.

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Chile`s long ribbon shape stretches over 4000 kms. from north to south, wedged between the Andes and the Pacific. The capital Santiago is positioned in the central area where most of the 16 million popluation live. The climate varies from the hot tropics, through Mediterranean to the much cooler southern region with its fjiords and glaciers.

Santiago - Chile

Chile miners news

Concha y Toro

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Los Huasos

Ecuador straddles the equator hence its name and has a population of 14 million. It is one of the most beautiful in South America . Although the smallest country in the Andes, Ecuador has many vibrant indigenous cultures and well-preserved colonial architecture. It has amazing volcanic landscapes and dense rainforest.

Tungurahua volcano


Colada Morada

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Guatemala has a population of 13 million. The majority of the population is Ladino or Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and Spanish), and Whites, primarily of Spanish. Although Spanish is the official language, it is not universally spoken among the indigenous population, nor is it often spoken as a second language. Guatemala's abundance of biologically significant and unique ecosystems contribute to its reputation as biodiverse hotspot..

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Named after the Paraguay river which flows through the country, it is completely landlocked like Bolivia on its north western border. About 75% of the 6.7million population of Paraguay speak Spanish, and it is still one of the poorest countries in South America. However it has a strong agricultural industry and is in a good position to contribute to world food demands.

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11) CUBA


Cuba has the highest population at 11 million of any island in the Caribbean. The largest city is the capital Havana, and second largest is Santiago de Cuba. The climate is tropical and the warm temperatures of the Caribbean and Cuba`s position in the Gulf of Mexico, make it prone to hurricanes.

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The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean with Haiti. It is the second largest island in the West Indies after Cuba. When Christopher Columbus discovered the island he thought he had reached America. However it did become the main administrative centre for the conquer of the rest of the New World.

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Ojala que llueva cafe


Honduras is situated in Central America and has a population of about 8 million.

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The settlement of Costa Rica began in 1522 and for nearly three centuries, Spain administered the region as part of Guatemala. The Spanish optimistically called the country "Rich Coast." However, little gold or other valuable minerals were found in Costa Rica and it became a largely agricultural country.

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Bolivia has a population of about 10 million of mixed races. The main language is Spanish but there 37 languages, including Quechuan languages. It is landlocked by five other south American countries and is divided into 9 departments. Economically it is regarded as a developing country.

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El Salvador is the most densely populated country in Central America.

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Visit the top Spanish American cities for our short cut to all the best places in South America

Christmas south america information

South American dishes

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