
Photograph by Markus Leupold-Löwenthal, uploaded to Wiki Commons

2017 Alabama Course of Study: World Languages

Culture Learning Standards

  • Investigate perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

        • Examine how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

        • Interact through role-play in a variety of familiar environments.

        • Participate in hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

  • Investigate perspectives through products of the target cultures.

        • Explain the importance of tangible products of the target culture.

        • Explain arts, crafts, or graphic representations of the target culture.

        • Explain the cultural elements of music and short video clips.

        • Listen to, read, and explain the function of products from a target culture.


1. ¿Qué es una <<mola>>?

2. ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de las molas?

3. ¿Cómo se hace una mola?

4. ¿Qué colores son más usados?

5. ¿Qué figuras son más usadas?

¿Qué es <<Paper Quilling>> o filigrina de papel?

Es un estilo de arte que usa tiras (strips) de papel de varios colores. Los papeles están parados (on their thin side) y pegados (glued) a otra superficie (surface). Todos las tiras de papel trabajan juntos para formar una escena magnífica.

La filigrina tiene su orígen en China o Europa, pero ahora es popular por todas partes del mundo.

¿Qué pasa si juntamos las dos formas de arte?

El diseño con las características de una mola hecho (made) en estilo filigrina...


  • Decidir cuales son los colores y la figura principal que quieres incorporar en tu mola.

  • Muchas tiras de papel de uno a dos centimetros de ancho (wide)

  • Silicon caliente y una pistola

  • Papel o cartón mas fuerte en rojo o negro para el fondo (background)

  • Tijeras

  • Algo para cortar las tiras de papel (we will borrow a paper cutter from teacher's lounge).

Grading: (Gold)

  • Student incorporates styles, colors and symbols from the Kuna. 20

  • The art piece is full of design and paper with the background color skillfully worked into the overall pattern, like a mola would be. 20

  • The overall piece is attractive, complete, and well put together. 20

  • The student includes a Spanish paragraph on an index card (typed or hand written in black pen) that answers the questions posed at the beginning of this lesson and the information is accurate. (Include a side by side English/Spanish translation). 15

  • The student includes a few sentences in Spanish and English to describe their personal choices for their Mola. 10

  • All writing is free of errors and is clearly communicated. 15