Familiar "tú" Commands

Week 4: Affirmative Commands

Week 5: Negative Commands

Learning Targets:

Week 4

I can tell my peers what to do using informal affirmative commands.

Week 5

I can tell my peers what not to do using the present subjunctive.

WEEK 4 APRIL 27-30

Key "Grammar" terms

  1. Familiar - this means you are communicating directly to someone that you would call "tú" (not "usted")

  2. Affirmative - this means the command is telling someone what to do (not what not to do)

  3. Negative - the command is telling someone not to do something

  4. Command / Imperative / Mandato - all of these words are synonyms and mean the same thing. A command is when you tell someone in a direct way to do or not do something. "Could you/Would you do" are not commands.

  5. Regular - they follow a set of rules

  6. Irregular - they don't follow rules and are what they are

Important Note

1. Familiar affirmative and Negative commands have their own forms and are not interchangeable.

Look at this video to see the affirmative and negative commands and how different they look.

1. Affirmative Familiar Commands - Regulars

Tell a friend what to do!

Except for the 8 irregulars discussed next, you literally just DROP THE S OFF OF THE PRESENT TENSE TÚ FORM!

(In other words, you use the él/ella/usted form of the verb)

Examples of regular affirmative tú commands:

1. Recoger: Recoge tu ropa. / Pick up your clothes.

2. Barrer: Barre la cocina. / Sweep the kitchen.

3. Despertar: Despierta a tu hermano. <----- still stem changes / Wake up your brother.

4. Almorzar: Almuerza conmigo. <---- it still stem changes / Eat lunch with me.

5. Dormir: Duerme tarde mañana. <----- still stem changes / Sleep late tomorrow.

6. Sacar: Saca la leche. / Get out the milk.

7. Comer: Come comida saludable. / Eat healthy food.

Note: If your command uses the word "your" you must use TU not SU because you are talking familiarly to a person you call "tú."

2. Affirmative Familiar Commands - Irregulars

Tell a friend what to do!

This song really helps me remember these. I use it all the time.

There are 8 affirmative irregulars.

Venir - Ven / Sabrina, ven aquí. Sabrina, come here.

Tener - Ten / Ten, hijo. Diez dólares. Here, son. Ten dollars. (You say "ten" when you hand someone something that you want them to take.

Poner - Pon / Marcos, pon las llaves en la mesa, por favor. Marcos, put the keys on the table, please.

Salir - Sal / Teresa, te ves aburrida. Sal con una amiga. Teresa, you look bored. Go out with a friend. ¡SAL DE MI CUARTO! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!

Hacer - Haz / ¿Más videojuegos? Haz tu tarea. More videogames? Do your homework.

Decir - Di / Di "Mamá". Say "Mama". (Di is usually paired with "le" to say "tell him/her" something.) Dile gracias. Tell him/her thanks.

Ser- Sé / Sé simpático con tu hermano. Be nice to your brother.

Ir- Ve / Si puedes, ve a la tienda por leche. If you can, go to the store for milk.

Note: NO affirmative familiar (tú) commands end with S.

Do this video for the practice. He doesn't explain for very long.

Command Activity

Sports Vocab Bank

  1. jugar al

    • béisbol / to play baseball

    • baloncesto / to play basketball

    • tenis/ to play tennis

    • golf /to play golf

    • fútbol /to play soccer

    • fútbol americano /to play football

    • jai alai / to play jai alai

    • voleibol /to play volleyball

  2. jugar a los bolos / to go bowling

  3. tirar a canasta / to shoot a basket

  4. bloquear / to block

  5. Batear / to bat

  6. Atrapar / To catch

    • la pelota or la bola / the ball (Some countries use this for every sport while some only refer to tennis, golf, softballs and baseballs)

    • el balón -/ the (inflated) ball (soccer, basketball, voleyball, football)

  7. Correr / to run

    • correr las bases / to run the bases

  8. meter un gol / to score a goal (soccer)

  9. anotar - to score

    • puntos / points

    • canastas / baskets

    • touchdowns (same)

  10. dar / to give

    • una tarjeta roja / a red card

    • dar un paseo / to take a walk

    • dar un paseo en coche / to cruise (around in a car)

  11. montar en bicicleta /to ride a bike

  12. montar a caballo/ to ride a horse

  13. nadar / to swim

    • nadar en la piscina / to swim in the pool

    • nadar en el mar / to swim in the sea

  14. equipo / team

  15. ganar / to win

  16. perder (e - ie) / to lose

  17. empatar / to tie (scores in a game, not a lace)

  18. practicar /to practice

  19. deportivo / sports (adj.)

    • un evento deportivo / a sporting event

  20. esquiar / to ski

    • sobre hielo / on ice

    • sobre agua / on water

  21. hacer / to make, do, go, take

    • hacer ejercicio /to exercise

    • hacer gimnasia / to do gymnastics

    • hacer el surf / to go surfing

    • dar/hacer una caminata /to take a hike

    • hacer un viaje / to take a trip

    • hacer un jonron / to make a homerun

    • hacer un touchdown

    • hacer canasta

  22. ir: to go

    • ir de pesca /to go fishing

    • ir de camping /to go camping

  23. levantar las pesas / to lift weights

  24. patinar / to skate

    • patinar sobre ruedas /to rollerskate, rollerblade

    • patinar sobre hielo / to ice skate

  25. decirle / to tell him/her

    • decirle buena suerte / to tell him/her good luck

  26. venir al - to come to the

    • partido / game, match

    • estadio / stadium

  27. llevar / to wear or carry or take along

    • el uniforme

    • el guante / glove

    • los tacos / cleats; tacos

    • el equipaje / equipment

    • un paraguas / an umbrella

    • el bloqueador de sol/ sunblock

    • gafas del sol / sunglasses

    • unos patines / some skates

  28. una entrada / an inning (baseball and softball)

  29. un tiempo / a time (basketball, soccer)

  30. un cuarto / a quarter (football)

Your job is to give your peers 10 affirmative commands about sports. So, you don't know much Spanish sports vocab? I put some useful terms to the left.

You can pick a sport or be random about it. If you know a sport really well, maybe you could tell me (as a "Tú") how to play the game by giving me commands.

Use a different verb each time.

You can submit oral or written work. If you submit oral work, try HTTPS://VOCAROO.COM

WEEK 5 MAY 4-7

3. Negative Familiar Commands

Tell a friend what not to do!

Note: EVERY negative familiar (tú) command will end with an S. (But affirmative commands don't!)

Watch my video! Take notes.

Goals Checklist:

  1. I can use regular AR verbs to tell someone what not to do.

    • Don't buy that.

    • Don't wash the cat.

  2. I can use regular ER verbs to tell someone what not to do.

    • Don't drink my coke.

    • Don't run!

  3. I can form negative commands with verbs that have irregular yo forms and stem changes.

    • Don't put that there.

    • Don't play without me.

4. Irregular negative tú commands

Listen to this Spanish class and their teacher handle commands in conversation.

  • Can you find any of the negative commands that don't follow the rule we just practiced?

  • Can you recognize what the students are recommending to their teacher?

Use the acronym S.I.D.E. to help you remember which 4 negative commands are irregular.

Copy down these 4 negative commands and write what they mean.

ser, no seas; ir, no vayas; dar, no des; estar, no estes with an accent on the 2nd e

Ser / Carlos, no seas malo conmigo. Carlos, don't be rude to me / bad to me.

Ir / Javier, hoy no vayas por 119 porque hay un choque. Javier, don't go down 119 today because there's a wreck.

Dar (usually paired with "le") / Mija, no le des problemas a tu abuela. My daughter, don't give your grandma trouble.

Estar / No estés triste por mí. Don't be sad for me.

Now Practice!

1. Start on the affirmative command. Consider what infinitive verb it came from and then provide the negative command.

For extra practice, change the study style to one of your preference.

4. Complete this quizziz for credit.

Turn in results screenshot to G.C. by the end of the day, May 7. 95% Accuracy (There are only 16 questions and you can take it over).

This link expires May 8th at 7 am. quizizz.com/join?gc=388107