Learning Targets

1. I can read/write/listen and speak in the present tense to talk about things people do at school, home, and during free time.

2. I can do #1 by learning to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense.

3. I can compare and contrast "infinitive" verbs and "regular" verbs.

4. I can say the days of the week and what I do on those days

5. I can say what I do "when/if" there's a certain type of weather.

Unit 6, Page 6

Direct Objects, "We" and all conjugations put together

Watch the video to learn about using "lo, la, los" and "las". Take notes! ¡Toma apuntes!

Más ejemplos Do you....? Yes/No, I .... it.

  • ¿Ves mi mochila? Sí, yo la veo.

  • ¿Miras Cobra Kai? No, yo no lo miro.

  • ¿Compartes tus cosas? Sí, yo las comparto.

  • ¿Comes frijoles? No, yo no los como.

Practice A

Copy each sentence. Highlight or circle the direct objects. Then, rewrite the sentence again, replacing what you highlighted with the correct direct object pronoun.

1. Yo aprendo el español.

2. Ella practica las matemáticas.

3. Nosotros comemos unos mangos.

4. Tú necesitas la tarea.

5. Ellos necesitan el marcador.

Practice B

Create a sentence or question using the given subject and verb. Instead of stating the object in parenthesis, use it's direct object pronoun.

Ejemplo: Tú / mirar (el programa) -----> Tú lo miras.

1. Ellos / buscar (su perro)

2. Tú / comer (la fruta)

3. Yo / conocer (la mujer)

4. Mi amiga / saber (las respuestas)

5. Paco /no compartir (los lápices)

Practice C

Make up 4 simple questions in the tú and/or ustedes forms. Each question should begin with a conjugated verb and have a direct object stated after the verb.

Then, find a partner. Ask each other your questions. Answer each other's questions aloud, being sure to use a direct object pronoun in your response. Write your partner's responses to your questions. Fix their mistakes if there are any. Discuss anything you feel needs to be fixed.


1. Y tú, ¿escribes poemas?

Possible answers: No, yo no las escribo. or Sí, yo las escribo.

2. Tú ¿abres regalos el 24 de diciembre?

Possible answers: Sí, yo los abro. or No, yo no los abro.

To say "we" do something with regular verbs

"We" verb conjugations have 3 different endings.

  • Amos

  • Emos

  • Imos

Each type of verb keeps its own vowel. Then, we add "mos" . Also, stem changing verbs are regular in the "we" forms.

  • Montar -- Montamos a caballo: We ride horses. Jugar: Jugamos a fútbol. We play soccer.

  • Saber: No sabemos. We don't know.

  • Compartir: Compartimos un cuarto. We share a room.

Practice in class and at home.

Practice D

Rewrite each sentence with the verb in it's correct present tense form. Look up words you are unfamiliar with.

1. Mi hermano y yo (ayudar) a nuestros padres.

2. La maestra y yo nos (comprender).

3. Mi familia y yo (vivir) en una casa amarilla.

4. Nosotros (deber) estudiar más.

5. Nosotras no (usar) el baño durante las clases.

6. Mi novi@ y yo no (compartir) los refrescos.

Practice E

Think of a few friends you have interests in common with. You might both (all) do or not do the same things. Use lesson AR, ER and IR verbs to write 6 sentences about what "we" do/don't do. Do not reuse any verbs. Also, be specific about what friend you are talking about.


  • Peter y yo hablamos mucho en la clase de historia.

  • Sofia y yo no comemos manzanas.

Videos to review and put it all together

Review how to conjugate AR, ER and IR verbs in the present tense

Review IR verbs by themselves

Review AR verbs by themselves

Review ER verbs by themselves