Healthy Social Behaviors

Learning Targets: 

In this unit you will:

Student Success Criteria:

Priority Standards

3.1M Access trusted adults at home, at school and in the community who can help with mental, emotional, and social health concerns.

4.1M Demonstrate how to communicate directly, respectfully, and assertively regarding personal boundaries.

Supporting Standards

1.4M Discuss the importance of setting (and ways to set) personal boundaries for privacy, safety, and expression of emotions.

7.1M Evaluate effective strategies to cope with fear, stress, anger, loss, and grief in oneself and others.

Unit Vocabulary


Trusted adult

Mental health






Essential Questions

How can you access and use a trusted adult to navigate dealing with a bully or other difficult situation?

Why is it important to set personal boundaries and how could you go about doing this?

Learning Progressions and Quick Checks

LP: IDENTIFY a trusted adult at home, school, and in the community

LP:CLASSIFY mental, emotional, and social health concerns

LP: GIVE EXAMPLES of potential ways to approach a trusted adult

LP: FORMULATE a plan or script to share your concerns with the trusted adult

QC: They will select one trusted adult in each environment, and list at least one topic or concern they can address with them for each category. 

LP: DEFINE what personal boundaries are

LP: GIVE EXAMPLES of personal boundaries

LP: DISCUSS the importance of having and setting personal boundaries

LP: IDENTIFY times when personal boundaries may need to be communicated

LP: GIVE EXAMPLES and NONEXAMPLES of language to be used when setting direct, respectful, assertive personal boundaries

LP: FORMULATE a possible script to use when setting personal boundaries

QC:   After presenting the students with a scenario where they will need to set a personal boundary, students will explain in writing:

End of Unit Assessment

Short Constructed-Response Question 

Aligned to Concept-Skill & Rigor

In a paragraph, describe a time you had difficulty with a mental, emotional, or social health concern and identify a trusted adult you could have gone to in the environment that you experienced this issue. Explain how you would have approached the adult and shared your concerns. 

Commentary or Solution Statement:

While on the playground with my friend, another student came by and started making fun of me for the game I was playing. They called me a baby and were saying mean things to me. At the time, I wasn’t sure how to handle this problem, but I knew that what they were doing to me wasn’t right. If I were to handle this problem today, I would have gone to my teacher to help me with this. I would tell my teacher what the other student said to me and asked for help to handle the emotions I was feeling and addressing the person that was making fun of me so that it doesn’t happen again. 

Short Constructed-Response Question 

Aligned to Concept-Skill & Rigor

This week at school you start to feel like all of your assignments are really overwhelming. You didn’t finish your math homework, your science project is due at the end of the week, that essay you’ve been working on has a lot of edits and revisions to be made. It doesn’t feel like there is enough time to get everything done. Then your teacher comes up and asks you to complete an extra art project for the school to auction off at the annual fundraiser. Write a letter to your teacher responding to their request setting personal boundaries in a clear manner giving them logical reasons as to why you are setting this boundary. 

Commentary or Solution Statement:

Dear Mrs. Allen,

Thank you for thinking of me to complete this art project. I really would like to help benefit the school by participating, however, I am feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of work and assignments I have to complete right now. I am not going to be able to take on this project right now due to the other assignments and projects I am prioritizing. I appreciate your offer and hope we can discuss opportunities like this in the future. 

