Performance Task Physically Active Community

Engaging Scenario

You have been elected to be a member of your school’s Welcome Committee! Sweet! With a group of four, create a slide presentation and pamphlet that highlights local community opportunities that support and promote physical activity for life. 

Task 1

Detailed Student Task Directions

To get started on your work for the welcome committee, research online different physical activities in your community. This can include school sports, recreational/club sports, recreational activities, etc. Make sure your research notes online worksheet includes…

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

Includes one more physical activity 

☐ Includes 1-2 more sentences in their description recalling a personal account


Locate and discover four different physical activities 

☐ Label each physical activity with website links

☐ Describes how each physical activity is linked to lifetime physical activity


☐  Meets 2 of 3 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching

Task 2

Detailed Student Task Directions

Using your research notes online worksheet, create a slides presentation that highlights your findings. Make sure the slides presentation includes…

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

Student group gives a presentation on slideshow 


Student presentation has 10 slides

☐ Student group includes four different physical activities on 4 different slides 

☐ Student group includes description of physical activity on four different slides

☐ Each page has at least one picture 


☐  Meets 3 of 4 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 3  “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching 

Task 3

Detailed Student Task Directions

You are almost at the finish line! To encourage the new group of students at your school, create a pamphlet that they can take home to their families. This pamphlet will highlight important information found in your slide presentation and open up more opportunities for your community to be active! Make sure your pamphlet includes…

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

Writes a personal account of how the activity has impacted them or someone they know 


Student provides a description of each physical activity 

☐ Student provides and lists practical information of physical activity 

☐ Student locates and uses pictures of each physical activity 

☐ Student lists several reasons as to how this physical activity helps connect community and builds a healthy lifestyle


☐  Meets 3 of 4 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 3 of 4 “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching