Emotional Check-Ins

Learning Targets: 

Be able to identify a variety of emotions and be able to express and share those emotions in a healthy way with the class and other trusted adults  in our community

Student Success Criteria:

To be successful in this unit, students must be able to:

Priority Standards

1.1. - Describe a variety of emotions

1.2 - Explain what it means to be emotionally and mentally healthy

Supporting Standards

1.8 - List healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship, and concern.

1.9 - Identify positive and negative ways of dealing with stress.

3.2 - Identify people in the community who are caring, supportive, and trustworthy

Unit Vocabulary

Zones of Regulation

Green Zone: calm happy, ready, focused

Yellow Zone: worried, frustrated, annoyed, excited

Red Zone: angry, frozen, flight/fight

Blue Zone: sad, upset, tired, bored,slow

Trusted Adults



Personal Needs

Essential Questions

Why is it important to be mentally and emotionally healthy?

How do you support your emotions?


* It is important to be mentally and emotionally healthy because it affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. 

* We can support our emotions by: 

- daily check-ins 

-calming corner

-Identifying zones of regulation

-Identifying and finding trusted adults to talk to 

- exercise/movement

-healthy food and water

-breathing techniques

Learning Progressions and Quick Checks

LP: IDENTIFY different emotions one might feel through the course of a school day.

QC: Explain briefly at least 3 different emotions one might feel in the course of a day

LP: GIVE EXAMPLES of when or why one might feel these emotions during the school day.

QC: After talking and discussing different emotions one might feel during the day, Write at least 3 examples of what would make one feel this emotion while they are at school.

LP: IDENTIFY AND GIVE EXAMPLES of what the different zones of regulation are

QC: Students will be able to share at least 1 emotion they might feel in each zone of regulation and why they might be there during the school day.

LP: COLLABORATE and FORMULATE a plan and list adults you can go to at school to help support you when you are having a big emotion.

QC: Students will be able to write down at least 2 adults that they can go to at school if they are feeling one of these emotions and why they feel trusted to go to them.

Short Constructed Response

How are you able to support your emotions and regulate them?

Extended Constructed Response

Describe a list of various emotions one might feel within a day at school. 

Explain what tools and strategies would support you with each of these emotions. 

Give examples of what you might do and who you might go to in your community to help support you with this emotion.