2nd Grade Emotional Check Ins Performance Task
Engaging Scenario
Describe a time when you had a big emotion at school. Identify what emotion you were feeling and what “zone of regulation” you were in. Create a play with peers describing what happened and what emotions you were feeling at the time, and state what trusted adult you could go up to to help support you.
You will write out this play and then practice and perform in groups of 3 or more. You are person#1 experiencing the big emotion, person #2 is another person who was there at school with you and person #3 is the “trusted adult” you go up to to help support you at school.
Task 1
Detailed Student Directions:
Create a poster showing “Zones of Regulation”. Talk and list what it feels like to be in each zone. Discuss and chart what “your engine” can do if you are not in the “green zone.” (i.e. get a drink of water, exercise/movement, healthy snack, love/affection, rest, deep breaths.)
Scoring Criteria
☐ Write/Draw a poster with the 4 zones of regulation
☐ Describe at least 3 emotions to go under each zone
☐ Describe why one might feel a certain way in each zone
☐ Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching
Task 2
Detailed Student Directions:
Use an emotions chart to identify different emotions you could experience in each “zone of regulation” and when you might feel a big emotion.
Scoring Criteria
☐ Describe at least 3 emotions one might feel at each zone of regulation
☐ Write and describe the emotions on the poster
☐ Correctly share the poster with your peers
☐ Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching
Task 3
Detailed Student Directions:
Create a poster identifying at least 3 adults that you could go up to to help support you when you are having a big emotion.
Scoring Criteria
☐ Describe what a trusted adult means to you and looks like
☐ Write/Draw a poster identifying at least 3 trusted adults who can support you at school when you are having a big emotion
☐ Describe to a peer who the trusted adults are on your poster and why you chose them
☐ Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching
Task 4
Detailed Student Directions:
Create and write a play describing the big emotion you were having at school when you were not in the green “zones of regulation.” Identify who else was there, list a trusted adult you could have gone up to, and act out the play in groups of 3 or more.
Scoring Criteria
☐ Describe a big emotion you were having at school
☐ Identify who else was there
☐ Write a list of trusted adults you could go to to help support you while you were having this big emotion
☐ Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria
☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching