Rethink Your Drink

Learning Targets: 

In this unit students will: 

select healthy beverages

understand the benefits of drinking water consistent with current research based health guidelines. 

Student Success Criteria:

To be successful in this unit, students must be able to:

Priority Standards

7.3N - Select healthy beverages.

1.5N - Describe the benefits of drinking water in the amounts consistent with current research based health guidelines.

Supporting Standards

1.4N List the benefits of healthy eating (including beverages and snacks).

8.1N Practice making healthy eating choices with friends and family.

Unit Vocabulary





Sugary Drinks


Essential Questions

Why is it important to drink water?

Why is it important to select and drink healthy beverages?

Learning Progressions and Quick Checks

LP: IDENTIFY how to select a health beverage.

LP: UNDERSTAND how much sugar is in different types of beverages

QC: Handout  

LP: IDENTIFY  how water is the best beverage to drink and also helps prevent tooth decay.

QC: Tooth Decay from Sugary Drinks

LP: IDENTIFY how to select a health beverage 

LP: DEMONSTRATE ways that you can make your water taste more flavorful

QC: Rev your Bev

End of Unit Assessments

Short Constructed Response 

You are at a friend's house and just got done playing and jumping on your friend's trampoline. You and your friend are really thirsty from all that jumping and out of breath. You both go inside to ask for something to drink. Your friend's mom says that they have orange juice or Gatorade. Please politely share with your friend and their parent how you would rather have some water and why. Write a letter to your friend and their parent telling them why you would rather have water and the healthy benefits of why selecting this beverage over others is the best choice.