High School Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan Performance Task

Engaging Scenario

You are a personal trainer and nutritionist who just received a new client. The client has no knowledge on what to eat or how to exercise. The client has come with a baseline of their weight, BMI, eating habits, and an overall fitness goal. Your job is to create a month long nutrition and physical activity plan for your client that focuses on a nutritionally balanced diet and appropriate fitness recommendations to help your client reach their health and fitness goals.  

Task 1

Detailed Student Task Directions

At the beginning of any nutrition and physical activity plan comes goals that guide and direct the overall vision. Your job is to research and develop 3-4 SMART goals for your client using their weight, BMI, eating habits, and overall fitness goal. Remember, use the SMART acronym to develop thorough and appropriate goals! 

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

☐ Parts of all SMART goal are labeled

☐ Additional 1-2 SMART goals created based on the client’s weight, BMI, eating habits, and overall fitness goals


☐  All goals are specific to the client (Be specific- add numbers, deadlines, etc.) 

☐ All goals are measurable for the client(How will you know if your client is hitting their goals?)

☐ All goals are attainable for the client (Client can reach goal)

☐ All goals are relevant for the client (Are goals related to nutrition and physical activity?)

☐ All goals are time-based for the client (How long will it take to meet goal?)


☐  Meets 3 of 5 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching

Task 2

Detailed Student Task Directions

Along with any great physical activity plan comes a great nutrition plan for clients to follow. Before creating a nutrition plan for your client, create a list of foods that your client should be focusing on to meet their nutrition goals. The food list should include: a variety of different foods, utilization of the SMART goals, current nutrition recommendations and guidelines, and suggested serving sizes. The food list can be shown as a Powerpoint slide, Poster, google doc, etc. Get creative and have fun with it! 

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

☐ Student references current health guidelines and how it guided the creation of their food list for their client

☐ Student presents information to class


☐  Student creates a food list for their client that references  the nutrition SMART goals

☐ Student has an array of foods the client should be focusing on (fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, grains, dairy, etc.)

☐ Student draws upon current health guidelines to formulate a food list for their client

☐ Constructs a food list that contains serving sizes 

 ☐ Creates a visual representation of the food list 


☐  Meets 3 of 5 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2  “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching 

Task 3

Detailed Student Task Directions

Create a list of activities and exercises that your client should follow. The list should…

The activity and exercise  list can be shown as a Powerpoint slide, Poster, google doc, etc. Get creative and have fun with it! 

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

☐ Utilizes nutrition list to maximize athletic performance 

☐ Cites relevant information from health and fitness recommendations


☐  Draws on current health and fitness recommendations

☐ Constructs a list that contains all components of health- related fitness

☐ Integrate client’s overall fitness goal

☐ Incorporates appropriate pictures that align with exercises and activities 

☐ Creates a visual representation of the exercise and activity list 


☐  Meets 3 of 5 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of 5 “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching

Task 4

Detailed Student Task Directions

Now is your time to show off what you learned! Using the SMART goals, Nutrition List, and Exercise and Activity List, you will create a month long plan for your client. This plan must contain the following…

Scoring Criteria


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

☐ Presentation of plan to class

☐ One page reflection on what went well, what can be improved on, and what was learned throughout the process


☐  Creates weekly exercises (5 per week) and activities for client to complete using the FITT principle

☐ Creates daily meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) 

☐ Constructs a visual representation of the plan that is easy to follow

☐ Draws on cited research that helped guide nutrition and physical activity plan

☐ Creates a cover letter explaining the overall plan to client


☐  Meets 3 of 5 “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of 5  “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching