
Performance Task 1

Identifying the Zones of Regulations

Task Detail

Use a poster showing "Zones of Regulation to identify different emotions in each zone.

Talk and list what it feels like in each zone. 

Discuss and chart what you can do if you are not in the "green zone" (Examples: get a drink of water, exercise/movement, healthy snack, love/affection, rest, deep breaths.)

Scoring Guide


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

☐ A written definition for each emotion on zones of regulation poster.


☐ WRITE/DRAW a poster with the 4 zones of regulation.

☐ DESCRIBE at least 3 emotions to go under each zone.

☐ DESCRIBE why you might feel a certain way in each zone.


☐  Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria.


☐  Meets fewer than 1 of “Goal” criteria.

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching.