Emotional Health 101

Learning Targets: 

You will learn how to use your words and body language to safely, calmly and respectfully express and ask for what you need and want.

You will learn how to use your words and body language to safely, calmly and respectfully express what and how you are feeling.

Student Success Criteria:

I can safely and calmly express: 

I can respectfully express my emotion to trusted adults at home and at school.

I can reflect on and identify my emotions using the "Zones of Regulation."

Priority Standards

1.1M - Identify a variety of emotions

4.1M - Show how to express personal needs and wants appropriately

7.1M - Express emotions appropriately

Supporting Standards

1.3M - Identify trusted adults at home and at school

3.1M - Identify trusted adults at home and at school who can help with mental and emotional concerns

Unit Vocabulary

Personal Needs

Personal Wants



Express Calmly

Express Safely

Express Respectfully

Body Language








Essential Questions

Why is it important to express myself appropriately at school?

How and why can expressing myself appropriately create a safe and calm environment at school?

What can expressing my needs and wants appropriately help me feel? Why will it make me feel that way?

What can expressing my emotions appropriately help me feel? Why will it make me feel that way?

Learning Progressions and Quick Checks

LP: IDENTIFY and EXPRESS different Emotions you might feel during the school day.

QC: SHARE briefly at least 2 different emotions you might feel during the school day.

LP:DRAW examples of when or why you might feel these Emotions during the school day.

QC: SHARE your drawing of 2 emotions within your group and with Teacher.

LP: IDENTIFY and EXPRESS different Needs and Wants you might have during the school day.

LP: DRAW examples of when or why you might have these needs and wants during the school day.

QC: After IDENTIFYING and EXPRESSING different Needs and Wants you might feel during the school day, SHARE your drawing at least 2 examples of what would make you feel these Needs and Wants while they are at school.

LP: IDENTIFY what the different zones of regulation are.

LP: SHARE examples of when you might be in the different zones of regulations (that are not green.)

LP: DRAW some things that can help you get back into the green zone. 

QC: After IDENTIFYING and DRAWING the different Zones of Regulation:

LP: SHARE at least 2 Emotions they might feel in each zone of regulation and WHY they might feel them during the school day. 

LP: SHARE your drawing of at least 2 Emotions that can help you get back into the green zone. 

LP: IDENTIFY and CREATE a list of trusted ADULTS you can go to at school to help SUPPORT you when you are having a big EMOTION(s).  

QC: After IDENTIFYING and CREATING a list of ADULTS, DRAW/WRITE and SHARE at least 2 ADULTS you can go to at school if you are feeling one of these emotions and why they feel trusted to go to them.

Short Constructed Response

Think about a time at school when you really wanted something, how could you express yourself appropriately to get what you want in a positive way? Draw a picture of your emotion and verbally describe how you could get what you need to support you during this emotion.