Fourth Grade

Performance Task

Identify and Explain Healthy Snack Options  

Engaging Scenario

Engaging Scenario: 

Your mom is getting ready to go grocery shopping for the week. You pass by her grocery list and don’t see many healthy foods to choose from. Plan a way you can approach your mom to advocate and ask for healthy food options for specific meals that you can have access to home and why it is important for you to have those foods available

Task 1

Detailed Student Directions:

After walking by your mom’s grocery list and noticing the lack of healthy food options, you begin to wonder what kind of healthy foods can be included on the list. You have been learning about healthy food and beverages at school and would like to incorporate some of these into your daily life. Choose at least 3 healthy snack options that you could suggest that your mom add to the list. Explain to your mom why the options you chose are healthy and why it would be good to have these options at home to choose from. 

Scoring Criteria


☐ Chooses at least 3 healthy snacks

☐ Explains why the chosen snacks are healthy

☐ Explains why it is good to have healthy options at home


☐  Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching

Task 2

Detailed Student Directions:

Now that you have identified some healthy snacks that you can have access to at home, you need to plan some meals that could also meet dietary guidelines. Using the tools you have been given at school, create a meal plan for an entire day that includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner that aligns with the given guidelines. After identifying the meals, create a list of ingredients that you will need to make these meals. 

Scoring Criteria


Chooses a meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

All meals meet dietary guidelines

Creates a list of ingredients needed for all three meals


☐  Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching

Task 3

Detailed Student Directions:

Prepare a script or presentation that you can share with your mom with your list of grocery items you believe should be added to the list. Use the dietary guidelines you have been learning about at school to support your argument for these foods at home. Using your meal plan that you have created, give mom the reasons for your list of ingredients and show her the recipes that can be used to make a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Scoring Criteria


☐ Writes a script of at least 4 sentences

☐ Uses evidence and support from the dietary guidelines

☐ Includes at least 3 reasons it is important to have these items available

☐ Describes the meals created and ingredients needed


☐  Meets 2 of “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 2 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching