Love Activates the Same as Cocaine

Love Activates the Same as Cocaine

Priority Standards

Supporting Standards

Interdisciplinary Standards

Short Constructed Response

Think of a time you or someone you know was in love or heartbroken. How could the information we learned have helped you/them? What advice would you now give them or yourself? 

Performance Task

Task 1: Brainstorm session: In groups of 4, pick a topic to brainstorm potential supportive techniques, people, or resources to help someone who is feeling the affects of being in love or being heartbroken. 

*Topics written on poster sheet paper: Supportive people, School Resources, Community Resources, Home Resources, Self Care Techniques, Affirmations

Task 2: Groups present their ideas or the class does a gallery walk to read the ideas

Task 3: Create a brochure using Canva or Google docs to address the prompt using the ideas generated in the brainstorm session. 

Make sure the brochure has: