Second Grade

Performance Task 3C

Create a Poster 2

Task Detail

In groups students will create a poster and share what their favorite flavored infused water is and explain why they like it. 

Engaging Scenario: 

You have been asked by the San Diego Padres to present a commercial convincing its patrons  why water is the healthiest thing you can drink. If your ad is selected they will air it at the next home game on the big screen.  You will perform tasks to discover amazing facts and benefits about drinking water before other options.

Scoring Guide


☐  All “Goal” Criteria PLUS:

Students will list at least 3 reasons why their flavor infused water is a better drink option than other sugary drinks


☐Students will be able to tell how flavored infused water has less sugar

☐ Students will be able to explain how flavored infused water prevents tooth decay over other drinks

☐ Students will be able to explain how flavor infused water helps keep your body and joint more hydrated over other sugary drinks


☐  Meets 1 of “Goal” criteria


☐  Meets fewer than 1 of “Goal” criteria

☐ Task to be repeated after re-teaching