Director Engineering and Maintenance

DAn beattee

Director Engineering and Maintenance


Job Description

Mechanical engineer responsible for management of projects in chemical facilities, maintenance oversight of chemical facility equipment, management of design staff (electrical, mechanical, civil, piping), management of engineering and design staff (electrical, mechanical, civil, piping, chemical), managerial oversight of engineering, maintenance and construction for facilities located in Midwest and Northeast United States and all Canadian facilities.

Education and Training

Bachelors in Engineering, Masters in Engineering, extensive leadership training


$90,000 entry salary, $300,000 in Director role.

Career Projection

This role is in the petrochemical field which has numerous opportunities within the United States and also overseas in Europe and Asia. Positions are typically high demand and highly competitive depending on an individuals flexibility and job desires. If one is looking to develop into leadership roles the competition is quite intense. For engineering graduates who are not specific to the petrochemical field, the positions are extremely numerous and well paying.

Job Highlights

Both the technical challenge early in my career and later the ability to work with and develop engineering talent.

Job Challenges

This is a highly technical job that may not always have an obvious technical answer. There are many times when it is necessary to "think outside the box" to arrive at solutions that are acceptable.


Be passionate about technical subjects you take in your academic studies yet maintain a focus on non technical subjects. To be successful in college engineering studies you must be a well rounded student pre-college.