Assistant general manager

valerie lockwood

assistant general manager

Raddison Hotels

Job Description

I was required to be on hand for the day to day operations including assigning staff for each shift, balancing the books (money), prepare for all individuals arriving to the hotel with special needs and any large groups for events such as a wedding, party, funeral, conference.

Education and Training

A degree in hospitality is very helpful but you may also have a degree in business, accounting, education, IT, or even generals.


Starting off, you may start around $11/hour with benefits if you are full time and over time you will receive a raise and bonus when goals are met. If you work at the corporate level, salaries will range between $40,000 to $70,000 based on your experience.

Career Projection

This career is always growing with all the latest trends and internet services that customers demand. With the current status of the nation, there are plenty of jobs available to join any of the hotel chains or smaller hotels/motels. We do compete against other brands and nearby hotels to get the best accounts that will bring in the most income.

Job Highlights

Everything! Love the fast pace and all the great people you get to meet and work with.

Job Challenges

There is not a lot of down time. There is always something to do.


Stay up on the trends and get to know the competition. Always do your best, guests will remember you and recommend to stay at the hotel that you work for and also within the brand.