Commercial plumbing estimator/project manager

Joe Barbeln

commercial plumbing estimator/project manager

B&D Plumbing, Heating and A/C

Job Description

Estimate, secure and manage new construction, commercial plumbing projects.

Education and Training

A degree in construction management would be helpful, however, I have a degree in secondary education combined with work experience which lead to my Master Plumbing License.  The degree I earned at college has been a large part of my success in my career.  I use the tools l learned there to organize myself, manage my installers and deal with my clients.


Starting wage as a project manager's assistant would be between $50,000 - $60, 000 with a degree or some work experience.  However, most project managers work for a salary/commission rate of pay which is based upon your success.  It's not uncommon for a construction project manager to make over $100,000 per year. 

Career Projection

A good project manager is always in demand.  If you have leadership skills combined with the ability to complete tasks with efficiency, you'll be successful as a project manager.  It really doesn't matter on which field of expertise you choose to manage, just be patient and learn your subject matter until you have confidence in yourself to lead.  The people you will eventually manage will need to have confidence in you as a leader and that only starts with you having confidence in yourself.  It doesn't happen overnight, but you will get there if you've got the right attitude and are willing to ask for help when you need it. 

Job Highlights

I like the rush of bidding and winning a new project.  I like designing the plumbing systems and seeing it all come together.  I like working with my team of installers.

Job Challenges

My work can be really challenging when I don't have enough work for my team.  The same holds true when we've got too much work, but not having enough is worse.  My team relies upon me to keep them busy so they can support their families and to me, that is my number one responsibility as a project manager.


Don't fake it if you don't know how to do something.  We don't know everything until we've had the experience to learn and you'll run into things that are new to you.  Be honest and people will trust you to work your way through new challenges.  You'll never stop learning new ways to do your job.  Be open to changes.