VP of Strategy

dan sanderson

vp of strategy

Cyber Advisors, Inc.

Job Description

For my company I head up the Information Technology (IT) strategy and future for our largest and most important customers. Mainly I keep companies IT moving towards the future. Additionally I head up all of the innovation for my company, so that we are always on the cutting edge of technology. Lastly, I head up the relationships of any companies we partner with. Examples of these companies are Dell and Microsoft.

Education and Training

You must be educated both formally (4 years or more of college) as well as have "street smarts" to be able to handle difficult and risky decisions quickly and on the fly. People that do what I do typically have either a Business or Information Technology degree from a 4 year college to start.


This is not an easy answer, as in this role, you are paid on performance. The smarter and harder you work. the better you can do. People in this field typically start in the $100,000 per year range but you can make many times this if you get to be well known.

Career Projection

This career is always growing....constantly. The future looks great because who doesn't use computers, smart phones, and other technology!

Job Highlights

I love the ability to solve complex challenges. I especially enjoy working with large businesses to find out what makes their technology "tick".

Job Challenges

It can be very stressful. If you make a mistake, it is typically something that has a large financial impact on both you and the business you are working with. Keeping on top of the latest technology trends is always challenging. Lastly, traveling too much can be a challenge.


Make sure you become very "self aware". In other words, always imagine yourself in someone else's shoes and think about how someone else would react to your behavior. If you like technology, it is a good way to turn a hobby into a career.