Software developer

Michael Finger

Software Developer


Job Description

Developer computer programs for a variety of industries and uses.

Education and Training

Bachelor's in Computer Science or Software Engineering


$50,000 to start, can vary widely with experience.

Career Projection

Good projection.  With the advent of AI and with the data we are generating, the field has a lot of different opportunities available.

Job Highlights

Problem solving.  I get to take ideas from customers and find innovative and exciting solutions to solve their problems.

Job Challenges

Problem solving.  Some of the problems we are faced with are new and can be frustrating at times to solve.  But, when we do, it is very satisfying.


Try to find something you love that you can turn into a career.  Software development or technology based careers can help fit that since all other fields need and use software to do their work.

Career Fair 2020 - Mike Finger - Mike Finger.mp4