horse trainer

shannon jones

Job Description

Teaching horses how to perform for various tasks and disciplines. Also managing their nutrition, vet and farrier needs. Always coming up with a plan on how to improve their health and performance.

Education and Training

High school education and lots of on the job training. College education helps greatly to learn the nutrition and management aspects of the trade.



Career Projection

There are always new trainers coming into the field. It is a competitive market because people want to see results in a quick and humane manner. If someone is really good at training horses there seems to always be a market for them.

Job Highlights

I enjoy seeing the progress the horses and their owners make together. Sometimes the littlest things are large victories.

Job Challenges

Not enough hours in the day to get everything done and it’s not really a job that you can charge by the hour.


Work hard and pay attention to the fine details. Being at least one step ahead is very important for the horses well being.

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