Office Manager

Stacey gregory

Job Description

Supervise the support staff of the office. Manage procedures and provider's schedules to make sure the office is run smoothly. Work closely with other Office Managers and Clinic Managers to make sure every office is run the same way.

Education and Training

2 years of office experience.


$16 to $18/hr

Career Projection

For the company I work for every couple of years an Office Manager position opens up. I have seen other companies that have had more Office Managers positions that have been posted more regularly.

Job Highlights

Knowing that I can make a difference in someone's life by being able to provide them with Mental Health Services.

Job Challenges

Making sure that the office is running smoothly and that everyone is taken care of. Also listening to client's struggles of why they are wanting to be set up with an appointment. 


Make sure you know how to do all the daily tasks that you are asking your staff to complete. Help out where ever you can.