Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

Cooper thornton

Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

The Savannah Golf Club

Job Description

An assistant golf course superintendent is responsible for helping create a quality golf course for its members that focuses on aesthetics as well as playability. In this job you will be asked to manage crews, apply chemical applications, mow different areas of grass, and ensure that the golf course is in the best condition possible.

Education and Training

Two or four year degree in horticulture or turf grass management.


Starting : $35,000-$50,000

Experience : $65,000-$100,000+

Career Projection

The golf course industry is a field that is always in need of new assistants and superintendents. There are over 18,000 golf courses in the United States and many of these courses are without someone in a management position. This field can provide you with a job in just about any location you would like to live and offers many different styles of work environments from public to private and even high end resort style courses.

Job Highlights

The thing I enjoy most about my job is getting to spend every day outside and getting the chance to see the hard work you put in visually on the golf course. There is nothing better than seeing a golf course shine and knowing that you and your crew have put in hours of work to make it the best possible place for its golfers.

Job Challenges

The hardest part about this job is not actually growing the grass. The hardest part is managing the crew and different personality types. As an assistant or superintendent you are asked to keep everyone on task to make sure work is getting done. Managing people can be the most challenging part because everyone has different skills and may not get along. It is your responsibility to make sure people are put in the right situation to succeed and help the crew which may be challenging at times. 


One price of advice I would give to someone pursing this career is to work hard. Hard work is noticed by everyone and will get you very far in this industry. The golf course world is a small community and many superintendents know each other and talk. If you work hard you will be recognized and have a chance to go very far in this industry.