education Program manager

mike billington

Job Description

I am in charge of a team of 12 staff that train permanently injured raptors (eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons) to teach the public about raptors and human threats to the environment. Our work focuses on conservation through education by using charismatic wildlife to build important personal connections between people and wildlife to inspire behavior change to protect our shared environment. Job responsibilities include: presenting engaging and educational programs using raptors to people of all ages, establishing and maintaining contacts with schools and organizations, caring for and managing a collection of 30 raptors, marketing our programs, managing staff and volunteers, and writing grants.

Education and Training

A college degree in education, biology, zoology, animal science, animal behavior, or environmental studies would be required. Experience teaching would be required, experience working with animals and writing/developing curriculum and developing new educational programming would be preferred.


Starting salary would be around $30,000 - $35,000 per year. With experience (at least 3 years), typical wages would be $35,000 - $45,000. State/County/Federal jobs would be higher, $40,000-$50,000.

Career Projection

It's a small field and it is competitive. Oftentimes you will need to do an internship or work as a seasonal staff for a year or two to get your foot in the door.

Job Highlights

Feeling that every day my work is having an impact, that my work is helping make the world  a better place not only for people, but for wildlife and environments in our local communities.

Job Challenges

Working with wildlife in an effective way where their welfare is maintained at a high level while doing educational programs. It requires training in the science of behavior.


Make sure you graduate college and then get experience any way you can. If you can get varied experiences, that will help make you a more well-rounded candidate.