⛸️ January's Featured Resources ⛸️

Coloring Page Generator

Sketchnotes are becoming popular in schools across the country as an alternative to traditional notes. Along with the usual detailed information, students include hand drawn representations of the concepts covered in class. Adding visual representations to their notes has been studied and proven to increase retention. According to John Medina, author of Brain Rules, people tend to retain only 10% of orally presented information 72 hours after receiving it. That figure goes up to 65% if you add a picture. If you want to create Sketchnotes templates with images for students to annotate & label already included, the Coloring Page Generator can turn any image into an outlined version for easy printing (link below). Or, just turn your favorite painting into a coloring page 🌻. The steps are easy. Upload an image using the “Chose file” button. Drag the middle circle across the image horizontally to transform the image into a complete, outlined version.  Print or download the outlined image as a .png file.

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.5.a.: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

 hello! hello! 

Have you ever said “hello!” to someone who was staring at their phone? Little Lydia excitedly greeted her entire family, only to be unacknowledged, met by their illuminated faces as they plugged away on their phones. Luckily for Lydia, there are so many other things to say “hello!” to. Join her on a journey to say “hello!” to anyone and anything willing to interact. This New York Times Notable Book leads to so many great classroom discussions related to media balance. Do you get off your phone when people are present?

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.3.a.: Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.

Copy of GMy Media Balance - My Media Plan Student Handout

hello! hello!

Written & Illustrated by: Matthew Cordell

Media Balance

Common Sense Media Education has grade appropriate, ready-to-use resources related to media balance. The above slideshow is an adaptation of this linked Grade K media balance lesson. The handout to the left is from this linked Grade 5 media balance lesson.

Discover the accomplishments of women artists, activists, scientists, business leaders, and more in a place where they have historically been left out: US currency 💵. A brief description of their accomplishments precede a link to Learn More and Share the bill on social media. Want students to create their own currency collection? LunaPic has a free photo editor that will add a colorized face onto a dollar bill like the dollar bill below, created to honor artist Amy Sherald 🤩

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.5.b.: Design authentic learning experiences that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning. 

LunaPic's free online dollar bill border can place images of your choice into a $1,$2, $10, $50, $100, $500, or $1000 bill 💵. Simply upload a face shot into the Choose File box & LunaPic will do the rest. Download the image when ready. 

This site allows users to generate an image file that looks like an old newspaper clipping 📰. Students get to name the newspaper, select a date and headline for their story, and then write as a reporter 🕵🏼‍♀️.