📺 ViewSonic Whiteboard App 📺

According to John Hattie's Visible Learning research, the use of Smartboards in the classroom has an effect size of 0.85. Hattie's definition of a Smartboard is: “The use of a large touch-sensitive board connected to a computer and a digital projector to deliver curricula material and discuss student work.” More info HERE. ViewSonic's whiteboard app allows teachers to do all that with just one device, not three.  

ISTE Standards for Teachers 2.5.a: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

To get the most out of your classroom ViewSonic display panel, you'll need to set up and use ViewSonic's signature software: the Whiteboard. Set up directions are to the right. Once you've linked your Google account, you'll be able to save & import presentations to/from your Google Drive. To the right, you'll also find the directions for downloading the Whiteboard app onto your Surface Pro, and downloading the Companion app onto your phone.

A few of the highly interactive things you can do on the ViewSonic Whiteboard app:

✈️ Throw photos onto the display panel

🖼️ Drag images and text from the internet onto the display panel

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Have multiple students write on the display panel at the same time

Whiteboard App Setup

WhiteBoard App Setup

ViewSonic Originals

Once you've connected your Google account to the Whiteboard software, you'll be able to download premade activities from the ViewSonic Originals content page. The link to the left will let you browse the original activities' library, or simply search by subject area and grade level. Each file comes with instructions and a video walk through. After download, you'll be able to open in the Whiteboard app using the file management tool.

In May 2022, I became a ViewSonic Authorized Trainer 🤩- ready and able to train teachers on how to use the ViewSonic's amazing interactive tools. If your site needs introductory or in-depth training on how to use the ViewSonic's Whiteboard app, please reach out. Let's set up some dates and times that work best for you and your colleagues.