💗February's Featured Resources💗

ISTE Standards for Teachers 2.6.d.: Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.


Up your design game by ensuring that your font, background, border, and shape colors are perfectly chosen to coordinate with the beautiful images already added to your Google Slides and Docs. No sign-in is necessary to use the Coolors Image Picker Tool. The tool allows users to pick out up to 10 colors used in the image itself. A color palette with all the color hex codes is then generated for easy copying into your Google apps. A tutorial slide deck to demonstrate for students how to extract custom color hex codes from image files is below. 

Creating a Coolors Image Palatte Tutorial
Mouse Playset

Written by: Ann Droyd

Once again, Applesauce is feeling restless & in the mood to make non-stop requests. To get the mouse to stop bothering him, Boy gives Applesauce the one thing he knows will keep him busy: an iPhone! Problem is, Mouse misses a whole day of exciting events because he's glued to the iPhone. The tale is meant for readers to contemplate the real life adventures they're missing out on while “plugged-in.”

The activity to the left asks students to think like an entrepreneur and come up with clever packaging ideas to drive Applesauce plush toy sales. Students will plan alternate events for Applesauce to enjoy- he's too cute and squishy to be staring at a screen for hours a day 🐭.  

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.3: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.

The Kids Should See This

Ready to get lost in a sea of amazing videos? The Kids Should See This has something for everyone-yes even high school Advanced Placement students. You'll find over 5,000 fascinating videos on topics such as tech, art, nature, and history. The entire collection is kid-friendly, specifically curated for teachers and parents who want to nurture kids' innate curiosity about the world. The site will be your new “go-to” when needing a 3 minute, 49-second video about a giant whale sculpture made out of plastic or a 1 minute, 6-second video about baking bread in Tajikistan

The Chrome Canvas app is a convenient place to make quick doodles that save automatically to your Google account. Personally, I love the app's ability to add images to a canvas for annotation. Students can circle important image features, then download as a .png file.

Text Chat Animator allows students to creatively imagine conversations between the figures they've been studying. Imagined chats can be downloaded as a video-like .gif file. Students can have up to 4 individuals in the group chat, and can upload images to appear as chat avatars.