🔣 EquatIO 🔣

Writing equations and math expressions on digital platforms can create some challenges. The EquatIO Chrome extension functions to make math digital. Compatible with Google Slides and Docs, the EquatIO Chrome extension allows teachers and students to create math expressions, including equations and formulas, directly into most Google apps. EquatIO's predictive text abilities, guessing what you're typing or writing, is one of its most helpful features. Rialto teachers and students currently have access to a premium EquatIO license subscription. If EquatIO is not already installed as a Chrome extension, teachers, and students have permission to install directly from the Web Store. Link below.

EquatIO User Reference Guides

EquatIO Reference Guide.pdf
Equatio for Google - Student Quick Reference - public information

An EquatIO feature tour is available on the Texthelp Academy page. This in-depth tour will get you acquainted with EquatIO's various tools. Link below.