December's Featured Resources

☎️ iFake Text Messages ☎️

Finally! A good reason to text in class 😐. The iFake text message site allows students to create imagined conversations between book characters, historical figures, politicians, astronauts, or between constitutional amendments like in the sample to the left. 

Customizations can be made to word bubble color, battery life, Bluetooth connection and service provider before downloading an image of the fake conversation. 

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.6.d.: Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.

Disclaimer: John Hattie's research found that the presence of cell phones (unrelated to teaching and learning) in the classroom have a negative effect size of -0.34 on student learning. More info here.

#Goldilocks A Hashtag Cautionary Tale

Written by: Jeanne Willis

Illustrated by: Tony Ross

👧🏼 #Goldilocks 👧🏼

Thirsty for more likes and more followers, Goldilocks makes the poor decision to break into the home of 3 unsuspecting bears. After posting a selfie mid-break in, she then posts pictures of herself trashing their property (and eating their porridge). While she did in fact get more attention, the 3 bears aren't amused by her #pipinghot, #fun, #sleep posts. Goldilocks will have to learn the hard way that “doing it for the 'Gram” doesn't pay off. How many “friends” will she be left with? Below you'll find a digital template for students to craft an alternate ending to the story in which Goldilocks behaves respectfully and responsibly.

ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers 2.3.a.: Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.

Goldilocks Alternate Ending

Described as a free AI tool to help students study, Yippity helps users test their knowledge. Simply copy and paste text into the Yippity interface to have its artificial intelligence generate quiz questions 🤯. Prepare to be amazed!

Special thanks to Maria Barron in the Induction and Teacher Support office 🤩 for sharing the above linked Classroomscreen resource. The free basic edition gives you access to 19 different classroom management widgets.

Looking for grade-level appropriate, content area focused, teacher-vetted instructional videos? 

Check out the TEACHFLIX page below. 

The ultimate district collection of Synergy, iReady, Beyond SST, CAASPP, Physical Fitness Test, and NNAT3 resources!!