October 28, 2020

Dear Families,

It is so hard to believe that we are approaching November already! Next week progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday for cohort A students and Thursday for cohort B students. Please review the progress report with your child and reach out to their Crew teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

As the weather begins to change and we get closer to winter we will have an increased need for warm weather gear. If you have new or gently used winter jackets, mittens/gloves, hats, and boots for children we would welcome any donations. Please call the office to make donation arrangements.

Don't forget our online fundraising auction: www.32auctions.com/KingMiddleSchool There are some terrific items available, and we appreciate your support. Bidding ends on November 5. Thanks for your participation!

As you know, our partnership and your input are extremely valuable to us. We are organizing a parent focus group to convene virtually for a 1 hour next month (date TBD). We will have a series of questions related to our goals and priorities, and the teaching and learning experience at King that will guide the discussion. If you are interested in participating please fill out this short form.

Thank you for your continued support!



In-Person Days
School day starts at 9:45AM

Attendance taken during morning Crew

Remote Days
Virtual Crew starts at 9:45AM

Attendance is taken during virtual Crew

Need to excuse your student from school due to illness or other excusable reason?

Call (207) 874-8140 OR email:


Ukuleles in the Oaks!

Thanks to the Foundation for Portland Public Schools, music teacher Bridget Kazukiewicz purchased a set of ukuleles for her seventh grade students.

Tips for Parents:

*Please try to avoid scheduling appointments for students during the 9:45-10:15 time.

*Remember - Remote days are still school days. Students must attend crew at 9:45.

*Notify us by phone or email if your student will be absent or has an appointment that will conflict with. Crew or engagement with classes.

Computer Use

Students are on their computers a lot when they are home on remote days.

How you can help:

*Complete and return the Acceptable Use Agreement (Went home with students two weeks ago and may be coming back home if it was incomplete.)

*Routinely reinforce appropriate use and care:

    • Off and away 11pm-7am

    • Completely charged and ready for in-person days

    • Always travel in cases

    • Not used as a gaming device

    • Communications used for appropriate, legitimate and responsible communication