October 21, 2020

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that we are 6 weeks in to this school year. While it is definitely a very different year there are many of successes to celebrate. Please join our Parent Crew Zoom at 6 pm today. We are looking forward to sharing updates and important information with you at that time. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82741699663?pwd=MXR0T1pRbzFHVkZaVHpKTnhLcUtnZz09

As you know, our annual Faculty Talent Show and Auction had to be cancelled last Spring . This is a cornerstone event for the King community and we look forward to the opportunity to do it again someday! In addition to being a special event, it also serves as an important fundraiser for our school. Some terrific items that were donated are now part of an online auction. www.32auctions.com/KingMiddleSchool Bidding starts today and ends on November 5. Thanks for your participation!

As you know, our partnership and your input are extremely valuable to us. We are organizing a parent focus group to convene virtually for a 1 hour next month (date TBD). We will have a series of questions related to our goals and priorities, and the teaching and learning experience at King that will guide the discussion. If you are interested in participating please fill out this short form.

Moosehead and Rippleffect

This year it is more important than ever to build and maintain strong relationships among our students. Rippleffect's expertise with using outdoor adventures to guide students through communicating and solving problems together is off to a great start. They are working with King's 6th grade students to lay the groundwork for the strong interpersonal skills that students need to be members of the King crew. Last Thursday and Friday, it was Moosehead's turn!

Campaign signs?

A great place for Mr. Peck's students to look for new English words!

Team Sebago!

All Sebago students will be wearing the t-shirts they tie-dyed last Thursday and Friday.

Photography with Mr. Mann

Kineo students are learning basic composition and fundamentals of photography in Mr. Mann's Scientific Communications class, using Deering Oaks as a setting. Students will create a series of photos that capture their mood during this incredible time and write an artist statement explaining their intentions behind their work.