Weekly Update

April 15, 2020

Dear Families,

I hope that this message finds you well. It is so hard to believe that it has been five weeks since we left King. I know that all parents are taking on the role of supporting student learning in a virtual setting and that is no easy task. I think of our families often and our entire staff desperately miss the students. Now more than ever, the spirit of We Are Crew rings true for our entire school community. I would like to invite all parents to join a ZOOM meeting tomorrow, Thursday 4/16 at 3:00pm. Please use the following link to attend the parent meeting- Click Here for Parent Meeting. The leadership team will share important information and update families on our goals and vision moving forward.

Please remember that April vacation is from April 17-26. Classes will start again on Monday, April 27th. Please take care and stay healthy!

Remote Learning Parent Presentation

Thursday, April 16th, 3pm via Zoom

Please join us!

PPS has created a website for Frequently Asked Questions during Remote Learning

Reminders from the School Nurse

I have heard from students and families that they are afraid to go because they are worried about getting sick. Or who feel they shouldn't go out because of the Governor's 'Stay at Home ' order. The order specifically says outside activities are one of the essential activities--that means you and your family can safely go outside. Continue to follow the safety guidelines of staying 6 feet away from people. Don't touch things that others may have touched and wash your hands when you return home. It is important for your mental health and well being to get outside and have a change of scenery. April vacation starts soon--enjoy this spring in Maine , safely!

Go for a walk somewhere new. To make walking more fun play a game as you go--play I SPY, sing a song, do an alphabet search--look for an Airplane, a Blue house, a Car...do a scavenger hunt--look for something big, something slow, something that grows--make a list before you go!

Enjoy the great outdoors!

Support Ms. Jenkins in her project "My Book Forever"

FREE breakfast and lunch for students!

King is one of many food distribution sites for students in Portland.

Students can come Monday-Friday from 10am to 12pm

Looking for FREE Library Resources

It is common for families to not have enough food or other things they need at home, especially when children are not coming to school. If you or your family does not have enough food or other things your family needs to get by, please email Ms. A-L (Amanda Atkinson-Lewis) at lewisa@portlandschools.org. We will try hard to help your family.

Portland Public Schools Help Desk


listen to the prompts to select your language and leave a message.

Someone will return your call soon!

Stay connected with King on social media!

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