Google Gmail / Keep Open Training Video

Google Certified Education Level One

Essential Tasks

  • Search in Gmail to find emails with attachments

  • Search in Gmail to find starred or labeled emails

  • Search in Gmail for an email from a specific colleague

  • Search in Gmail for specific keywords

  • Create a filter in Gmail

  • Intiate a Google Meet in Gmail

  • Start a chat with a colleague in Gmail

Google Certified Education Level Two

Essential Tasks

  • Create a template email in Gmail

  • Use the advanced settings in Gmail to auto-advance emails, use the unread message icon, and access custom keyboard shortcuts

  • In Google Chat, share a file, schedule a Calendar event, and assign tasks

  • In Google Keep, create a new list, add items to that list, and share it with a colleague

  • Add a reminder to a Google Keep note

  • In Google Keep, create a new note with a drawing

Google Certified Education

Helpful Tips

  • Create an email signature and add it to your messages

  • Schedule an email to send to your colleagues/students in Gmail

  • Add photos to Google Keep

  • Export one or more notes in Google Keep to a Google Doc

  • Add labels to keep track of vital notes