Google Docs Open Training Video

Google Certified Educator Level 1

Essential Tasks

  • Title your Doc

  • Add text to your document

  • Use the comment feature

  • Turn text into a link (Ctrl+K)

  • Use @ to call attention to a specific colleague

  • Change the share settings

  • Use @ (better known as smart chips) to add a person, a file, and a calendar event

Google Certified Educator Level 2

Essential Tasks

  • Link different items to a Doc: a website, a YouTube video, and an image (Ctrl+K)

  • Insert an image directly to your document

  • Change the image's layout to in line, wrap text, break text, behind text, or in front of text

  • Add a table

  • Add text to a table

  • Use the explore button to find material for your Doc

  • Use Google Translate to translate your document to another language

Helpful Tips

  • Using the Camera under insert image

  • Ctrl+Shift+9 = Starting a checklist in your document

  • Ctrl+\ = Remove all formatting from selected text

  • Force Copy for all Docs, Slides, Forms, and Sheets

  • Voice Typing in Tools

  • Recommended Add-Ons

    • Scrible Writer

    • Word Cloud Generator

    • Doc to Forms