Welcome to GEG Utah!

GEG Utah is a space for all Utah teachers to share best practices, ask questions, and create a community beyond their classrooms. Please check below for information on meet-ups (digital and in person), training opportunities, and how to join. 

Join our April Meetup on Goolge Updates!

Today's Resource Share is our upcoming GEGUtah Meetup! Our meetup is scheduled for April 17th from 4-4:30 at the YouTube link below. This month GEGUtah co-leader Matthew Winters will be hosting a Google Updates Roundup. There are so many new tools, apps, and AI-infused experiments and our GEGUtah team wants to share some of their favorites. We will explore small updates to existing apps to new tools within the Google ecosystem. Join us for all this and more. If you cannot join us, no fear, the session will be recorded and shared at the same YouTube link: 
