Hello Teachers!

GEGUtah wanted to give back this year! What better way that providing some lesson plans to do this Holiday Season and beyond! Below you will find some great free lesson plans to use in your classroom, some professional development opportunities, and some curated resources from our favorite organizations around the world! We hope that this project helps to make your season brighter! Thank you for all you do for our students and communities! Happy Holidays!

Deanna, Emma, Ian, Kelli, and Matt

Over the last few months our GEGUtah Leadership team have been working to help teachers become Google Certified Educators. The website linked above includes nine training sessions designed to help any educator pass the Google Certified Educator Exams.

If you are interested in become a Google Certified Educator, please feel free to use this site, share it with others, and help each build out competency. Also UEN is offering free exam vouchers to any educator who completes their course. Here is a link to their courses.

Often writing lesson plans for our content areas while also including digital skills like using Google products can be difficult. Google's Applied Digital Skills is here to help! The program provides teachers with lesson plans that both teach content and digital skills. All for free!

At GEGUtah we understand that educators might need some help in understanding how to produce these lesson plans for your classes, so we have created an ongoing weekly series that walks through an Applied Digital Skills lesson plan and some remixes. Here are links to the individual lesson plans:

If-Then Stories

Build A Student Portfolio

Research and Develop a Topic

Creating An Animation With Google Slides

Finding resources takes time and effort; let us take some of that off your shoulders! Check out the following link to find our recommendations for favorite lesson plan sites, Google Chrome Extensions, and local groups providing resources to educators.

Check out our curated resources!

To make a copy of this Jamboard, open the view only file, click the three dots next to "Share", and choose "Make A Copy".

This lesson plan also includes a link to breakout rooms created by Ditch That Textbook. Here is a direct link to all their breakout rooms:

Breakout Rooms

To make a copy of this Jamboard, open the view only file, click the three dots next to "Share", and choose "Make A Copy".

Here is a link to the lock answers:

Lock Answers

Click the link above for your own copy.

Check out this article for some of your own pixel art inspiration and have some fun creating your own!