August 31st, 2022 - Google Accessibility Flashcards

Today's Resource Share is just a PDF of flashcards from Google on the accessibility features available to users on Chromebooks. The PDF contains 20 half-sheet flashcards on a variety of topics including adding closed captioning, dictation tools, support for students with dyslexia, general accessibility features, hotkeys, and some Google extensions for accessibility. Check out the handout and make a copy for your classroom using the following link:

Google Accessibility Flashcards PDF

August 30th, 2022 - Automated Birthday Cards with Forms and Autocrat

Today's Resource Share comes from Stephanie Howell from GoldEdu, and Luis Fernando Pertuz Escribano. She posted this a few weeks ago and I thought, "What a great way to connect with students at the beginning of the year and then throughout the year!" Using her template, a Google add-on called Autocrat, and her video tutorial, you can set up a Google Form/Sheet to automatically send students a digital birthday card throughout the year. It takes about 20 minutes to set up but then it runs automatically throughout the year! Here is a link to Stephanie's video tutorial:

Birthdays (Stephanie Howell - GoldEdu)

Also, you will need her starter document to make your own:

Birthdays Starter Doc (Stephanie Howell - GoldEdu)

August 29th, 2022 - Checklist Template

Today is August 29th, so I am excited to get our Daily Resource Shares started back up and going! To start out this school year, I thought it would be good to share a resource that would help us all stay organized throughout the year. Google Sheets wiz Ben Collins shared a great checklist template with a filling bar. You can get a copy of his design here:

Checklist Template Force Copy Link

And you can learn more about how he created this template at this link:

Ben Collins Checklist Template Blog Post